Meet the Smarter Team

Our 4 Partner Directors have a combined accounting experience of over 100 years! They’ve worked with clients in most industry sectors of all shapes and sizes across Devon and beyond. Shaun founded the business over 15 years ago and was soon joined by Neil then Mark, and more recently Michelle. We’re proud to be independent certified practising members of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants CIMA the world’s largest professional body of management accountants. We are also ICAEW Authorised Training Employers (ATE) with access to dedicated resources to train ACA students.

Shaun Lee - Smarter Accounting

Shaun Lee

LinkedIn - Shaun Lee ACMA - Smarter Accounting Devon

Neil Bishop - Smarter Accounting

Neil Bishop

LinkedIn - Shaun Lee ACMA - Smarter Accounting Devon

Shaun Lee - Smarter Accounting

Mark Williams

LinkedIn - Shaun Lee ACMA - Smarter Accounting Devon

Shaun Lee - Smarter Accounting

Michelle Buck

LinkedIn - David Cook FCCA - Smarter Accounting Devon






Shaun Lee - Smarter Accounting

Jon Russell

Shaun Lee - Smarter Accounting

Hussein Nada

Josh Watts

Shaun Lee - Smarter Accounting

Danielle Britton

Shaun Lee - Smarter Accounting

Chloe Cross

  Andy Blake

Shaun Lee - Smarter Accounting

James Tomlinson

Shaun Lee - Smarter Accounting

Diane Hurst

Bekki Friend

Joanne Court


Shaun Lee - Smarter Accounting

Hannah Davis

Shaun Lee - Smarter Accounting

Matt Worrall

Shaun Lee - Smarter Accounting

Reece Marks

Shaun Lee - Smarter Accounting

Heather White

Shaun Lee - Smarter Accounting

Danielle Morgan

Office Managers & Administrators

Shaun Lee - Smarter Accounting

  Pearl Smith